Making KC a National Example for 2024 Grads

3 Circles Revival-Awakening-Reformation

No Class of '24 HS Student Left Behind

Simple ESS Ministry & Academic Calendar - 2024 Feb

List of KC Every Student Sent Advocates

See people you can collaborate with, then invite others or add yourself so that no student is left behind

  Below are the steps for Churches/Schools/Homeschools, then Collegiate Ministries and the Business Community..  Feel free to make recommendations. Email John Decker from Every Student Sent at the end of this page.

Goal - Get the majority of high school seniors using the new Mobile App before graduating high school. Start with a critical mass of 20-40 churches by Mid February to commit to inviting students and parents to ESS via the below College-bound Kit.   (Also some Christian Schools)  Simultaneously work with business community to use this commitment to release a given amount of funds to mobilize KC this Winter,  Spring and Summer.

Process for Churches, Schools & Youth Ministries

  • Reverse the 70% college faith drop-off and empower students to impact universities
  • Video training you can use to engage your youth group - grades 10-12 See Training & Worldview
  • If you want to serve a local university, you can add your church to ESS so incoming students find you. Register
  • Parents appreciate the practical help for them in college search, ways to talk with their students, finding career and major, and avoiding massive college debt. See Parent page.
  • A youth leader dashboard to quickly invite students and show you who is engaged and who needs help. Dashboard

Churches / Schools / Homeschools: 

Share with Parents and Student via the College-Bound Kit

For info email Rick Eubanks, Texas Coordinator for National Network of Youth Ministries

and John Decker from Every Student Sent

College-bound 2021 photo

Process for

College Ministries &

Churches Serving Universities

If you are currently on the ESS platform for a Texas university, review below to refresh your preparation and engage your students and leaders.  If you are a new ministry or church follow the steps to apply to be added.  View College Awakening Sweet-Spot.  Contact John Decker, Every Student Sent 

College Awakening Sweet Spot Rectangle

Involvement of the

Business Community & Foundations

See Every Student Sent - Marketplace

Marketplace Ministries 3 circles

Contact Every Student Sent to learn how marketplace ministries can use their professional skills to guide and mentor students, and how ESS will be sending students into your ministries and businesses.  Attend the Feb 8th Event at Kingdom Ecosystems to learn about the new for-profit extension of ESS to cover career from high school to college to  the workplace.  . Learn about the financial resources needed to accommodate the February launch below.

Contact John Decker, Every Student Sent.

Please see: View Accelerating the Movement to Learn about Financial Mobilization

Accelerating Rectangle

To learn more about ESS and City Movements contact John Decker: