

Kansas City and Dallas have been selected as the top 2 cities to go deep with as we commence the national rollout of the Mobile App version of Every Student Sent.

With community resolve, we can end the 70% college faith drop-off this year.



Have you seen vibrant teens in your church or city leave for college and return with zero interest in following Jesus ---

Just when they're making life's most important decisions?


This happens 70% of the time but now there's a proven national solution.


Students Youth on campus (1)


Why are we losing 70% of our students in the transition to college when this can be the most fruitful time of their lives?


Revival is hitting universities around the country.   
The most fertile ground is to reach brand new freshmen in the Fall.  

Every Community College and University in America is Covered.  Your church or ministry can be added so that incoming students will find you.  See local examples at the bottom.

Every Student Sent Partners

Ministry Logos for ESS 6 Rows-2

Gary Kendall - Love KC, Gloo Cities

Kevin Palau - City Gospel Movements

CBN News on How ESS Works

See how Every Student Helps Youth Succeed

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Students on campus (2)


Worldview Quad

Discipleship Training

Parent Email Photos -career

Right Purpose & Major 

Parent Email Photos -Debt

Minimal Student Debt

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Workplace Transition

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A Church Transformed

Student Stories

Course Content for students has been provided to us by the Ron Blue Institute, Crown Financial Ministries and others to raise up generous and responsible Gen-Z students.  Growing content in new Student Discussion Groups is helpful for families.  We also work with Career Direct so that students are aware of Financial Advisor career paths along with all other options. 



Step by Step Mobilization

List of KC Every Student Sent Advocates

See people you can collaborate with, then invite others or add yourself so that no student is left behind

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Help this year's KC high school grads

When we are at scale, every $1000 changes the life trajectory of 500 students.

 $10K per month starting in Spring 2024 will fully launch KC to reach all students and cause KC to be a national example that will impact many other cities

Hear John on Pinnacle Forum

Decker Pinnacle Podcast Image

Contact John Decker

We are especially excited about working with KC as a saturation city because of the strong Disciple-making culture here we can partner with and spread to other cities.  This is core to our mission as you can hear from Jeremy Story on the Nov 30 session. 

John Decker is leading the KC effort, and he would love to chat via Email or a  Zoom call you can schedule.

Invest in America and Your City Today


Every Student Sent is creating an LLC to contain several for-profit businesses we are starting to make ESS self-sustained.  Please contact John Decker if you wish to learn more about this opportunity.

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See the video clips from November 30

computer screen Nov 30 watch or learn
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Integration with Alpha

Kevin Palau on ESS & City Movements

A University Example

Every University and Community College in America is Covered

Including KU, UMKC, JCCC, MCC, etc

Click to view more. Log-in to interact.

If your church or ministry serves a local university or community college, you are invited to apply to be listed there so incoming students find you.  Every Student Sent is Free, supported by generous partners.


Responding to the Research

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Read how ESS correlates to research from Not on Our Watch, Barna, Fuller Youth, The Great Opportunity

Contact Us

Moms in Prayer Podcast

Moms in Prayer Podcast Decker

See Ministry Plan Details


John Decker is directing the Kanas City and Dallas movements. He would love to provide you with our detailed ministry plan and deck with mobilization costs and discuss the KC rollout.


You can connect with John via Email or via a Zoom call you can schedule here.


To learn more or arrange an introductory Zoom call 

contact John Decker below:

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