Why are we losing 70% of our teens in college?
"The friends a student makes during the first 72 hours often dictates
their entire faith trajectory" ~ The Navigators
Then ESS helps them impact every corner of campus
"We need to create the path for our kids and grandkids to not only survive but to impact and influence culture in America"
CBN News - How ESS Works
Testimony of a Church Impacted
Student Stories
Mark Alexander & Rick Eubanks
Movement DFW & NNYM Youth Ministry
Kevin Palau
How ESS helps Cities Flourish
See How Every Student Sent Helps:
Gateway Church - Craig Terndrup
Note: Uses our prior branding name
. Ronnie Floyd - Southern Baptist Conv
Note: Uses our prior branding name
No Class of '24 Student Starting College Alone
How you can help make this happen: