See this short video about how Every Student Sent reverses the 70% college faith drop-off, and doubles the number of missional students to take back our universities, then transition to impact the workplace and our cities

Ways to Volunteer
Easy first steps:
Introduce us to your church using this email.
Email John Decker or Arrange a 15 or 30 minute Zoom
Introduce ESS to
- Pastors & Youth Leaders
- High Schools and Homeschools
- Ministries and City-wide movements
- Media and marketing firms
- Foundations, Philanthropists, (Accelerate ESS)
- Business Leaders with passion for youth.
- Retirees who could volunteer (See Retirees)
- Mentor students re: faith or career
- Provide digital content/training for students
- Marketing, communication or IT expertise
- Ministry expertise for: Students/Pastors/Parents
- Network to help organize a City Movement
- Public speaking or recording content
- Other ways to Accelerate the movement
- See Pinnacle Forum / 7 Spheres of Culture
Help your Church, Homeschool or Christian School
Pastors and administrators are busy people and love it when an enthusiastic parent helps spread the word to other parents and to students. Here are suggestions:
- Ask your Youth Pastor how you can help with students and your Senior Pastor how you can help with parents.
- Send email or newsletter messages to parents and students using the Sample Emails in the Media Kit.
- Share the Parent Page content with other parents, and invite them to the Parent Group there.
- Post social media messages using content in the Media Kit, pasting a link from the website, or sharing a post you see in our Media Kit links for Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
- Arrange a physical or Zoom meeting with parents to walk them through the website and discuss their kids. If you contact us, we will help you prepare. You can also Create an ESS Social Group for parents in your church and invite them. Go to My Sent Hub to Create Group. We can show you how.
- Help your Youth Pastor hold a Youth Group Meeting. See how on the Church Page.
See below for more on each:
Help your Community
Community Ambassador
Do you have a love for connecting parents, pastors and leaders together you your community? Would you like to multiply successful students and eventually increase Kingdom-minded college graduates in your community? You may be a parent, business person, or pastor yourself. We can give you some ways to help your community or help ESS nationally in a few hours per week by calling, emailing, posting, or introducing us to others. Review the City Movement Page and Engage Menu then reach out to us for a short Zoom call. You can share your passion and ideas, and we can dialog about ways to help your local community or entire city. Contact John Decker at or 315-480-1232.
Help our Nation with your Skills or Connections
National or Niche Ambassador
Do you have a passion for a particular niche in society? It could be local or it could be national. Maybe it's high schools, or colleges, parents, homeschools, financial advisors, inner cities, business ministries, worldview, apologetics, or any such group or discipline. Look over the Engage Menu for some ideas or add your own and reach out to us to discuss ways to grow your impact. Contact John Decker at or 315-480-1232.
Retired of Semi Retired?
Do you want to see the generation of young people in America reach their full potential. There are innumerable ways you can use your skills and passions to help this generation succeed. This can be anywhere from working one-on-one with mentoring high school or college students, or using your management, marketing, relationship or technical skills to impact America. Click the below image to learn more.
- Mentoring High School or College Students
- Meeting in person or over Zoom with Pastors, School leaders, or Business people to spread the movement
- Marketing and communication skills
- Information Technology
Media to Share Every Student Sent
To learn more or arrange an introductory Zoom call contact:
John Decker at or 315-480-1232
Students helping their generation.
Would you like to help mobilize your church and generation for revival in high school and college? If you want to be part of a national student team to prepare the way, we can coach you and even give you national recognition for your resume. See Student Mobilizers.