Would you like to use your talents to help young people in your city or across the nation?
Whether one-on-one with students, in person or online, or using your business skills to bless students in your city or the nation, you will make a lasting difference through Every Student Sent and our partners below!
Learn about:

70% of Youth Group grads abandon their faith in college and make lifetime decisions that ruin their lives. Here's how to prevent it!
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Ways You can Help
See some of the ways you can play a meaningful part of this revolution in education and workplace impact. You can do this for your city or nationally. See Every Student Sent Ambassadors.
John Decker can help you understand Every Student Sent and brainstorm with you ways you can have the joy of helping students across the street or across the nation. You can listen to the Pinnacle Forum podcast also.
Email him here or arrange a Zoom meeting.
John Decker (john.decker@everystudentsent.org) to:
- Pastors & Youth Leaders in your city
- High Schools and Homeschools
- Ministries, Foundations
- Business Leaders with passion for youth
- Radio and TV Stations.
- Retirees who could volunteer (See IRetire4Him)
See Volunteer Page. We will train you.
- Mentor students re: faith or career
- Arrange & conduct phone & Zoom calls
- Marketing, communication or IT expertise
- Ministry expertise for: Students/Pastors/Parents
- Organize a City Movement
- Public speaking or recording content
In addition to these Parent resources, here's some special content for you:
Log onto EveryStudentSent.org today, and also set your profile type as "Parent" for full access.
Follow the ESS Parents Group and collaborate with other parents and grandparents. Your wisdom is needed for this generation!
How you can help your Church, Community, or Nation?
Right now 2 out of 3 college-bound students fall away from Christ when they start college, and often end up with the wrong career and take on tremendous college debt. You can help turn this around for students in your church, your city, or nationally.
What if you can be part of the national movement to prepare high school and college students with careers that will impact culture, reverse the 70% college faith drop-off, double freshmen believers, and triple the number of Kingdom-minded college grads to impact cities and the nation! Because of the effect of this movement, your help can bring more students into the Kingdom than you ever thought possible.
Mentoring Students
For some, the greatest joy is to share your experience and mentor high school or college students regarding their future careers or other life skills. You can do this in your community or via Zoom with students anywhere. We will equip and train you.
For some, working with our vocational partner, Crown Financial's Career Direct is a helpful channel. Some are financially inclined, and like helping students plan for college and minimize student debt and we can pair you with College Assistance Plus. If income is important to you, these channels offer that option.
Equipping Parents and Pastors
Parents need tremendous help these days in preparing their students before and during college. Share this Parents Page with them.
Pastors and Youth Workers and overworked and need some folks in their church to provide resources and support. The same goes for Christian Schools. Share the Church Page and School Page with them.
Give students a mission:
Would you like to help mobilize your church and generation for revival in high school and college? If you want to be part of a national student team to prepare the way, we can coach you and even give you national recognition for your resume. See Student Mobilizers.
To learn more or arrange an introductory Zoom call contact:
John Decker at john.decker@campusrenewal.org or 315-480-1232