
For High School Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors:

Why start college alone?  Now you can connect as much as a year in advance on a social app with friends, roommates, and Christian leaders for your future college!
God is moving on college campuses in a way not seen since the Jesus Revolution.  You can be part of this today!
You can Learn how God designed you before you pick your Major!
Every Student Sent is free.  Log on today! 
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Connect with students, ministries and churches on this new platform

Student Stories and How to Connect Today

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Lecrae:  ESS for High School 

Getting Started

Jump on today!

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  1. Sign up as a Student (www.EveryStudentSent.org)  Make sure you complete your profile including a photo your friends will recognize and your high school graduation year, 
  2. Search for Ministries and Churches at Colleges.  Follow their ESS Groups.  Message leaders with questions about their group or ask about your major and any students you can chat with about that. Ask how they can help you be spiritually ready.  
  3. Get to know other students in these ESS groups.  (Every Student Sent is new, so groups will grow)  You may even find a great Christian roommate,  Colleges allow you to do this through early May. 
  4. Invite your high school friends to Every Student Sent personally or by phone, email, text, or share an Instagram post.
  5. Watch the Thrive Course.  Watch one or more of these 5-10 minute videos about engaging and thriving as a Jesus follower in secular culture at your high school or college. Enjoy other powerful testimony and teaching videos in Courses
  6. Follow the ESS Groups shown below.
  7. Learn how to become a Student Mobilizer!

Stories of God Moving on Campus

Paul Worcester


Yasmin Pierce 

 Circuit Riders

Shane Pruitt 


Your Purpose, Major & Career

College is a big investment and will shape your future.  Students average 5.5 years for a 4 year degree as they change majors too many times.  Would you like to  learn more about how God designed you and majors and careers that fit?

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Let God help your shape Purpose and Career Arc

from High School to College to the Workplace

High School

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Helping students find life purpose, careers, and college majors with a faith & work outlook.


Establishing missional communities within academic departments to be ready for the workplace


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Preparing for the transition to the workplace and connecting with marketplace ministries and mentors  


Follow these groups, invite your friends, message each other:

    • Also Your own high school group!  When you register, you pick your high school in your profile.  Search for it in the search bar and see who else is there and invite your friends. You can edit your Profile in "My Sent Hub".
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Thrive Student Group

Connect with other students, watch Thrive videos, and talk about what God is doing today on college campuses and high schools.  You can share these videos with your friends and discuss together. 

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Student Mobilizers

Do you want to see your friends and your generation lead the way for revival on college and high school campuses?  Learn how you can spread the message and see engage with leaders around the country.  

The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field - Luke 10:2

Don't just go to college, let God send you

We are glad to answer your questions or help to you to reach other students.  Just reach out to us below: