Don't start College Alone!
High School Juniors & Seniors:
Connect with other college-bound students and college fellowships
Now you don't have to start college alone! Now you can connect all summer with Christian friends and leaders at your future college! You may even find a roommate! Together, our generation can be part of the Freshmen Gospel movements to spark awakenings on campuses this Fall!
Just log in for free and start connecting today!
Connect with students, ministries and churches on this new platform
Lecrae: ESS for High School
How to Connect Today

More students are coming to faith on college campuses than any time since the Jesus Movement. Now you can prepare for college and meet other incoming freshmen long before college. Then you can reach out to other freshmen as a team, and already have friends & study partners you trust!
You may even find a Roommate!
Get started today

- Sign up as a Student (www.EveryStudentSent.org)
- Search for Ministries and Churches at Colleges. Follow their ESS Groups. Message leaders with questions about their group or ask about your major and any students you can chat with about that. Ask how they can help you be spiritually ready.
- Get to know other students in these ESS groups. (Every Student Sent is new, so groups will grow) You may even find a great Christian roommate, Colleges allow you to do this through early May.
- Invite your high school friends to Every Student Sent personally or by phone, email, text, or share an Instagram post.
- Watch the Thrive Course. Watch one or more of these 5-10 minute videos about engaging and thriving as a Jesus follower in secular culture at your high school or college.
- Follow the ESS Groups shown below.
- Learn how to help your friends and fuel this movement. Become a Student Mobilizer!
The first year in history where incoming students are gathering together now for
Freshmen revival at colleges this Fall!
Want to help your friends and your generation? You can be a Mobilizer!
Follow these groups, invite your friends, message each other:
- Also Your own high school group! When you register, you pick your high school in your profile. Search for it in the search bar and see who else is there and invite your friends. You can edit your Profile in "My Sent Hub".
NEW! College-bound Together Group
Connect with other students, learn about Every Student Sent and the latest features together. Learn how to share the movement with friends and social media.
Student Mobilizers
Do you want to see your friends and your generation lead the way for revival on college and high school campuses? Learn how you can spread the message and see engage with leaders around the country.
The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field - Luke 10:2
Don't just go to college, let God send you