
The national movement to impact culture through reversing the 70% college faith drop-off and triple Christian college grads.  This is done by connecting them to campus ministries and churches and preparing high school students to be disciples who make disciples. 

Invest in America and Your City Today

What ESS Does

CBN News - How ESS Works

3 Circles feedback with school-1
Ministry Logos for ESS added layer

Every Student Sent is a national movement and a free and unique community-based online platform with vision of connecting high school students to existing ministries, churches, and each other in order to propel them towards Gospel-centered mission as they navigate and engage culture during college, including now during COVID virtual school.  What leaders are saying.

Best investmentEvery Student Sent is a ministry that which helps every other ministry and church succeed.  Every ministry needs laborers and funding.  Multiplying college-educated passionate laborers brings both. 

City-wide movements understand that the harvest is plentiful, but they need more laborers. Every Student Sent can reverse the 70% loss in YOUR city and multiply laborers to transform culture - as it becomes normal for all students to prepare and connect.  The strategic benefit of equipped freshmen reaching freshmen during the first month "Sweet Spot" when non-believers are especially open is key.  See Kevin Palau video (recorded with our prior Campus Ministry Link information)

Kevin Palau

The National Impact

National Impact & Vision

The historic alignment of the nations top college ministries, youth ministries, denominations, and Christian schools has pulled together to produce the following results impacting every college-bound student.  Links show the process.

  • Preparing every high school student with a missional vision and equipping for college.  See Church & School.
  • Reversing the 70% college faith drop-off.  (already happening in initial churches)  See Pastor Story.
  • Organize students in advance to reach their new freshmen friends when they are most open.  See Campus Ministry.
  • Impact culture on collage campuses - with more missional students helping college ministries grow and unite.
  • Triple the number of Kingdom-minded Christian college grads into the workplace.  See Pinnacle Forum example
  • Train all these students to create disciple making movements in high schools, colleges, and the workplace


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How You Can Accelerate the National Movement

Every person who shares Every Student sent with a pastor, school, leader, or foundation helps accelerate this movement! We have a detailed national mobilization plan that we have worked out with a major foundation.  The plan centers on bringing up each region of the country into broad use of Every Student Sent so that the high school class of 2021 will be the most successful in history, and that much of the tragic 70% faith attrition is prevented - and replaced by multiplying disciple makers.  It's a bold vision, but doable when we have the resources to leverage our partners, and a massive social media campaign.  Here are ways you can help to financially accelerate this needed change for America.

  • Accelerate mobilizing the HS class of 2021 -  Your gift can provide resources and advertising to engage the class of 2021 more fully, and catalyze testimonies on college campuses this Fall. 
  • Impact your city.  What will your city look like when all the Christian youth succeed and trigger awakenings on college campuses?  Depending on the city size, a few thousand dollars is often enough to catalyze a movement.  See City-Movements.
  • Fund a feature.  You can target your gift towards a particular feature you are passionate about.  Examples are an App version of ESS, Student training on a particular topic such as Apologetics, Worldview, Evangelism, Calling, Career, Finance, etc.
  • Introduce us to foundations or people who are looking at ways to leverage their gift to change America.

Jesus said that the "Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are too few".  To change a student's life-time trajectory and enable a generation of nation-changers you can partner with ESS on the link below, or reach out to us for a conversation with anyone on our team, including our president, Jeremy Story.

Invest in America and Your City Today



To learn more or arrange an introductory Zoom call, 

contact Jeremy Story or John Decker below: