
So that no Christian student starts college alone, but with a missional group of friends and ministry leaders they meet well in advance!

Reverse the 70% Loss | Transform Universities | Impact the Marketplace



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ESS helps Pastors and Parents achieve student outcomes.

The ESS Coalition

ESS Logos on top - 5 Lines
App Growth Slide


worship youth diverse

 HS Students

Students on campus (2)

 College Students

church image


parent image


Accelerating Rectangle

Fund your City Movement

school image

  Christian Schools

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college ministry image

College Ministry

city movement image

  City-wide Movement

Career directions


comnunity foundation

Financial & College Advisors  

Parent Email Photos -Debt

  Minimize College Debt

Urban Centers

Urban Uplift

Calendar Image




news links image


Grad Kit PIC

Graduation Kit

Vibrant Faith


School counselor 1

Ways to Volunteer


fund parents



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The goal of Every Student Sent and this historic national coalition is nothing less than making it normal for all students to prepare and connect so that no student starts college alone.  This will at least double the number of active Christian freshmen, who will become fruitful so that, together, we can graduate triple the number of world-changers as they are prepared to impact your city.   Imagine no more parents grieving over their wayward kids, but seeing them alive in the power of Jesus!  We want to help you use this tool so you can impact your church and city.  Contact us at the bottom. 

Every Student Sent is free and supported by generous partners.

Marketplace Rectangle


The harvest is plentiful but the laborers have been too few.

Disciples making disciples:  Every Student Sent is a national coalition and unique community-based platform to connect every Christian student in America to ministries, churches, and each other many months before they start college. This has been demonstrated in churches to reverse the 70% faith drop-off in churches and multiply laborers for the Kingdom. 

  • High School students get help to learn their purpose and career goals to pick the right major
  • Students, Families and Youth Leaders have worldview tools from leading partners to prepare students to engage today's culture
  • Seniors (and Juniors) can start connecting with friends, roommates, and leaders to be part of a cohesive team.
  • Engage their academic department in missional communities so they learn to impact cultural in a professional environment and be ready for the workplace.

Every Student Sent is available on every US Campus

Four Metro Areas working to reach every student this Year:

DFW Block
San Diego Block
Phoenix block
Kansas City Tall

For questions or an introductory Zoom demonstration please contact us: